Introduction to the Physics of Waves
ISBN 9780521147163 (paperback)
ISBN 9780521197571 (hardback)
Cambridge University Press (2012)
Reprints are in many cases available by following the links given; otherwise, please contact us for a copy.
articles in preparation
- Quantum technologies for classical navigators
Max Carey and Tim Freegarde
- Classical theory of mirror-mediated cooling
André Xuereb, James Bateman and Tim Freegarde
- Compensation of phase modulation nonlinearities in Raman atom interferometry
Max Carey, Jack Saywell, Nikolaos Dedes, Joel Abraham and Tim Freegarde
- Ramsey phase tomography of optimized Raman pulses for atom interferometry
Max Carey, Jack Saywell, Nikolaos Dedes, Joel Abraham and Tim Freegarde
- Optimizing beam-splitter pulses for atom interferometry: A geometric approach
Nikolaos Dedes, Jack Saywell, Max Carey, Ilya Kuprov and Tim Freegarde,
Phys Rev A 108 053319 (2023)
- Efficient state-symmetric beamsplitters and mirrors for atom interferometers using optimized pulses
J Saywell, M Carey, N Dedes, I Kuprov and T Freegarde,
J Phys B 55 205501 (2022)
- Can optimised pulses improve the sensitivity of atom interferometers?
J Saywell, M Carey, N Dedes, I Kuprov and T Freegarde,
Proc SPIE 11881 83--92 (2021)
- Loading and cooling in an optical trap via hyperfine dark states
D S Naik, H Eneriz-Imaz, M Carey, T Freegarde, F Minardi, B Battelier, P Bouyer and A Bertoldi,
Phys Rev Research 2 (1), 013212 (2020)
- Optimal control of Raman pulse sequences for atom interferometry
Jack Saywell, Max Carey, Mohammad Belal, Ilya Kuprov and Tim Freegarde,
J Phys B 53 (8) 085006 (2020)
- Bi-selective pulses for large-area atom interferometry
Jack Saywell, Max Carey, Ilya Kuprov and Tim Freegarde,
Phys Rev A 101 063625 (2020)
- Velocimetry of cold atoms by matterwave interferometry
Max Carey, Jack Saywell, Mohammad Belal and Tim Freegarde,
Phys Rev A 99 023631 (2019)
- Optimal control of mirror pulses for cold-atom interferometry
Jack C Saywell, Ilya Kuprov, David Goodwin, Max Carey and Tim Freegarde
Phys Rev A 98 023625 (2018)
- Matterwave interferometric velocimetry of cold Rb atoms
Max Carey, Mohammad Belal, Matthew Himsworth, James Bateman and Tim Freegarde,
J Mod Opt 65 (5-6), 657-666 (2018)
- Spectroscopic apparatus for measuring an amount of an analyte in a mixture using a frequency-modulated laser beam
Ned Hawes and Tim Freegarde,
UK Patent
- Non-trivial phase coupling in polariton multiplets
Hamid Ohadi, Rachel Gregory, Tim Freegarde, Yuri Rubo, Alexey Kavokin, Natalia Berloff and Pavlos Lagoudakis,
Phys. Rev. X 6, 031032 (2016)
- The UK National Quantum Technology Hub in Sensors and Metrology
K. Bongs et al.,
Proc. SPIE 9900, 990009 (2016)
- Composite pulses for interferometry in a thermal cold atom cloud
Alex Dunning, Rachel Gregory, James Bateman, Nathan Cooper, Matt Himsworth, Tim Freegarde and Jonathan Jones,
Phys Rev A 90, 033608 (2014)
- Trapping of 85Rb atoms by optical pumping between metastable hyperfine states
Nathan Cooper and Tim Freegarde,
J. Phys. B 46, 215003 (2013)
- A stabilized fiber-optic Mach-Zehnder interferometer for carrier-frequency rejection
Nathan Cooper, Jonathan Woods, James Bateman, Alexander Dunning and Tim Freegarde,
Appl Opt 52, 5713 (2013)
- Amplified optomechanics in a unidirectional ring cavity
André Xuereb, Peter Horak and Tim Freegarde,
J Mod Opt 58 1342 (2011)
- Efficient optomechanical cooling in one-dimensional interferometers
Péter Domokos, André Xuereb, Tim Freegarde and Peter Horak,
Proc SPIE 7951 79510B (2011)
- Cavity cooling of atoms: within and without a cavity
André Xuereb, Péter Domokos, Peter Horak and Tim Freegarde,
Eur Phys J D 65 273 (2011)
- Hänsch-Couillaud locking of Mach-Zehnder interferometer for carrier removal from a phase-modulated optical spectrum
James Bateman, Rich Murray, Matt Himsworth, Hamid Ohadi, André Xuereb and Tim Freegarde,
J Opt Soc Am B 27 1530 (2010)
- Opto-mechanical cooling with generalized interferometers
André Xuereb, Tim Freegarde, Peter Horak and Péter Domokos,
Phys Rev Lett 105 013602 (2010)
- Rubidium pump-probe spectroscopy: comparison between ab-initio theory and experiment
Matt Himsworth and Tim Freegarde,
Phys Rev A 81 023423 (2010)
- Optical cooling of atoms in microtraps by time-delayed reflection
Peter Horak, André Xuereb and Tim Freegarde,
J Comput Theor Nanosci 7 1747 (2010)
- Scattering theory of multilevel atoms interacting with arbitrary radiation fields
André Xuereb, Péter Domokos, Peter Horak, and Tim Freegarde,
Physica Scripta T140 014010 (2010)
- Stimulated Raman transitions via multiple atomic levels
James Bateman, André Xuereb and Tim Freegarde,
Phys Rev A 81 043808 (2010)
- Fractional Adiabatic Passage in two-level systems: mirrors and beam-splitters for atomic interferometry
James Bateman, Tim Freegarde,
Phys Rev A 76 013416 (2007)
- Coherent amplification in laser cooling and trapping
Tim Freegarde, Geoff Daniell, Danny Segal,
Phys Rev A 73 033409 (2006)
- Atom guiding along high order Laguerre-Gaussian light beams formed by spatial light modulation
D. P. Rhodes, D. M. Gherardi, J. Livesey, D. McGloin, H. Melville, T. Freegarde, K. Dholakia,
J Mod Opt 53 547-56 (2006)
1995 - 2000
- OH detection by absorption of frequency doubled diode laser radiation at 308 nm
Hugh Barry et al, Chem Phys Lett 319 125-130 (2000)
- General analysis of type-I second harmonic generation with elliptical Gaussian beams
Tim Freegarde et al, J Opt Soc Am B 14 2010-2016 (1997)
- A guide to laser-induced fluorescence diagnostics in plasmas
Tim Freegarde, Gus Hancock, J de Physique IV France 7 C4/15-29 (1997)
- Doppler spectroscopic measurements of sheath ion velocities in radiofrequency plasmas
Ben Woodcock et al, J Appl Phys 81 5945-5949 (1997)
- Phase locking of grating tuned diode lasers
M Prevedelli, T G M Freegarde, T W Hänsch, Appl Phys B 60 S241-248 (1995)
- Confinement and manipulation of atoms using short laser pulses
T G M Freegarde, J Walz, T W Hänsch,
Opt Commun 117 262-267 (1995)
PhD theses
- Error and performance analysis of cold-atom inertial sensors for navigation
Nikolaos Dedes, (2024)
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- Progress towards atom interferometric measurements of gravity in a compact and integrated vacuum chamber
Chester Camm, (2020)
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- Optimal control of cold atoms for ultra-precise quantum sensors
Jack Saywell, (2020)
(pdf - 8MB)
- Velocimetry, trapping and optimal coherent manipulation of atomic rubidium
Max Carey, (2020)
(pdf - 13MB)
- Towards fabrication of optomechanical actuators by two-photon polymerisation
Alan Forrester, (2017)
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- A mode-locked diode laser frequency comb for ultracold atomic physics experiments
Jonathan Woods, (2016)
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- Phase and intensity control of lasers for atom interferometry
Rachel Gregory, (2015)
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- Novel techniques for the trapping and manipulation of ultracold atoms
Nathan Cooper, (2014)
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- Coherent atomic manipulation and cooling using composite optical pulse sequences
Alex Dunning, (2014)
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- Coherent two-photon excitation within an extended cloud of Rubidium 85 for the purposes of atomic interferometry and cooling
Richard Murray, (2011)
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- Optical cooling using the dipole force
André Xuereb, (2011)
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- Coherent manipulation of ultracold rubidium
Matt Himsworth, (2009)
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- Novel schemes for the optical manipulation of atoms and molecules
James Bateman (2009)
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- A chirped, pulsed laser system and magneto-optical trap for rubidium
Sunil Patel, (2009)
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- Spectroscopic applications of pulsed metal vapour lasers
Tim Freegarde, (1989)
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For details of conference presentations, please see our poster and talks pages.