Quantum Control group

University of Southampton: School of Physics and Astronomy

Welcome to the Quantum Control group!

The Quantum Control group explores new ways of using light to control atoms, molecules and particles. By tailoring laser light fields in space and time, the momentum of the photon can be used to control the position (trapping), velocity (cooling), orientation and quantum state of the target species.

James, Andre, Hamid, Matt and Tim in Obergurgl, Austria (Feb 09)

Our research, using techniques based upon both coherent, pulsed interactions and spatially-varying dipole forces, is both experimental and theoretical, and ranges from atom interferometry and quantum computation, to optical tweezers, optically-induced self-organization and cavity-mediated cooling. We also explore underpinning technologies and techniques fom laser modulation, stabilization and the design and analysis of resonant enhancement cavities, to miniature pumps, atom sources and optical components for integrated atom chips, and we collaborate closely with colleagues in nanofabrication to explore the use of nanostructured surfaces for atomic manipulation.

Based in Southampton's Quantum, Light & Matter group, we are part of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Quantum Technology Engineering, and have strong collaborations with researchers in Bordeaux, Imperial College and St. Andrews. We also coordinate Southampton's regular physics colloquia.

We have various PhD and post-doctoral openings and opportunities for vacation students, and welcome any interest from prospective candidates.

Thank you for visiting!