Quantum Control group

University of Southampton: School of Physics and Astronomy

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UK research in cold atoms, ions and molecules
Kai Bongs Univ. of Birmingham Quantum gases, optical lattices
Michael Köhl Univ. of Cambridge Ultracold atoms and ions
Sophie (Sonia) Schirmer Univ. of Cambridge Quantum information and molecular cooling theory
Charles Adams
Ifan Hughes
Simon Cornish
Matt Jones
Simon Gardiner
Univ. of Durham Laser cooling & trapping; quantum fluids; cold molecules
Miles Padgett
Johannes Courtial
Sonja Franke-Arnold
Univ. of Glasgow Novel beam geometries for optical manipulation
Susana Huelga
Ivette Fuentes-Schuller
Ole Steuernagel
Univ. of Hertfordshire BEC and quantum information & quantum optics theory
Joe Ulanowski Univ. of Hertfordshire Optical trapping
Ed Hinds
Ben Sauer
Mike Tarbutt
Jony Hudson
Imperial College BEC; atom chips; cold molecules
Danny Segal
Richard Thompson
Imperial College Cold ions; quantum information
Ben Varcoe Univ. of Leeds Quantum information
Vlatko Vedral
Almut Beige
Viv Kendon
Univ. of Leeds Quantum optics theory
Patrick Gill
Hugh Klein
Alastair Sinclair
N P L Cold ions
Nikolaos Proukakis Univ. of Newcastle BEC theory
Mark Fromhold Univ. of Nottingham Cold atom - condensed matter theory
Chris Foot Univ. of Oxford BEC & atom interferometry
Axel Kuhn Univ. of Oxford Cold atoms; cavity QED; STIRAP
Andy Steane
David Lucas
Derek Stacey
Univ. of Oxford Ion trapping; quantum information
Donatella Cassettari Univ. of St. Andrews BEC
Kishan Dholakia Univ. of St. Andrews Atom guiding and novel optical potentials
Ulf Leonhardt Univ. of St. Andrews Quantum optics theory
Janne Ruostekoski Univ. of Southampton Quantum optics theory
Erling Riis
Aidan Arnold
Univ. of Strathclyde Storage rings for cold atoms; dipole trapping
Steve Barnett
Gian-Luca Oppo
Gordon Robb
Univ. of Strathclyde Quantum optics theory
Wolfgang Lange
Matthias Keller
Winfried Hensinger
Univ. of Sussex Ion traps; ion chips; cavity QED
Barry Garraway
Claudia Eberlein
Univ. of Sussex BEC theory; quantum field theory
Ferruccio Renzoni
Peter Barker
U C L Atom and molecule cooling; atoms in optical lattices
Tania Monteiro U C L Cold atom theory
UK research in coherent control
Gareth Roberts Univ. of Newcastle Femtosecond reaction dynamics
Jon Marangos Imperial College Ultrafast sources and molecular control
Helen Margolis N P L Frequency combs for ultraprecise measurement
Ian Walmsley Univ. of Oxford Ultrafast laser pulses
Helen Fielding U C L Ultrafast molecular dynamics
Quantum control research worldwide
Michael Drewsen Århus Univ. Trapped ions
Henrik Stapelfeldt Århus Univ. Molecular alignment
Dieter Meschede Univ. Bonn Atom optics
Juergen Eschner I C F O, Barcelona Trapped ion quantum optics
Giovanna Morigi Univ. Barcelona Quantum optics theory
Péter Domokos S Z F K I, Budapest Cavity-mediated cooling
Zsuzsa Sörlei R M K I, Budapest Pulsed optical manipulation of atoms
Ahmed Zewail Caltech Femtochemistry
Robert Gordon Univ. of Illinois, Chicago Laser controlled chemistry
Randy Knize U S A F A, Colorado Laser cooling and trapping
William Stwalley Univ. of Connecticut Ultracold atoms and molecules
Chiara Corsi
Chiara Fort
Giovanni Modugno
L E N S, Firenze Quantum optics
Roland Wester Univ. Freiburg Ultracold molecules
Michael Chapman Georgia Tech. All optical BEC
Andi Hemmerich Univ. Hamburg Atom optics
John Doyle Harvard Univ. Ultracold molecules
Dudley Herschbach
Bretislav Friedrich
Harvard Univ. Dipole force manipulation of molecules
Matthias Weidemüller Univ. Heidelberg Atomic & molecular quantum dynamics
Martin Gruebele Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Laser manipulation of complex molecular systems
Rainer Blatt
Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Univ. Innsbruck Quantum optics & spectroscopy
Rudi Grimm Univ. Innsbruck Ultracold atoms
Peter Zoller
Helmut Ritsch
Univ. Innsbruck Quantum optics & quantum information
Klaas Bergmann T U Kaiserslautern Coherent control
Niels Henriksen D T U Lyngby Femtosecond laser control of chemical dynamics
Marcus Motzkus Univ. Marburg Femtosecond reaction dynamics
Philip Bucksbaum Univ. of Michigan Coherent control of chemical reactions
Vladan Vuletic M I T Laser cooling and ultracold gases
Theo Hänsch M P Q Garching, München Quantum optics and laser spectroscopy
Gerhard Rempe
Pepijn Pinkse
M P Q Garching, München Quantum dynamics
Regina de Vivie-Riedle L M U München Theoretical femtochemistry
Robin Kaiser Institut Non Linéaire de Nice Laser cooling & trapping
Bill Phillips N I S T Gaithersburg Laser cooling & trapping
Paul Corkum Steacie Institute, Ottawa Femtosecond science
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
Jean Dalibard
Christophe Salomon
Lab. Kastler Brossel, Paris Cold atoms
Serge Haroche
Jean-Michel Raimond
Lab. Kastler Brossel, Paris Cavity QED
Philippe Grangier Institut d'Optique, Orsay, Paris Quantum optics
Pierre Pillet
Françoise Masnou-Seeuws
Laboratoire Aimé Cotton, Paris Dipole trapping and photoassociation of cold atoms and molecules
Herschel Rabitz Princeton Control of molecular motion
Nicholas Bigelow Univ. of Rochester Optical cooling and trapping of ultracold atoms and molecules
Christof Wunderlich Univ. Siegen Trapped ion quantum optics
Steve Chu Stanford Univ. Atomic physics & atomic interferometry
Hal Metcalf SUNY Stony Brook Femtosecond science
Paul Brumer Univ. of Toronto Quantum control of molecular processes
Bertrand Girard Univ. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse Femtosecond quantum control
Leo Ricci Univ. di Trento Quantum optics
Claus Zimmermann Univ. Tübingen Cold atoms on chips
Martin Weitz Univ. Tübingen Cold atoms
Tommaso Calarco Univ. Ulm Quantum information
David Tannor Weizmann Institute Laser control of chemical reactions
Moshe Shapiro Weizmann Institute Laser control of chemical reactions
Anton Zeilinger
Markus Arndt
Univ. Wien Quantum experiments & foundations of physics
Tilman Esslinger Univ. Zürich Atom lasers and control of quantum degenerate gases
Networks etc.
    • Cavity-Mediated Molecular Cooling
ESF Cold Quantum Matter 2007-2010
European Cold Molecules Research Training Network →2006
European Cold Quantum Gases Research Training Network →2003
South-East Physics Network Regional collaboration 2009-2014
Other links
Atom traps worldwide

List maintained by our Innsbruck colleagues
Quantum and atom optics links

List maintained by Dien Rice, Monash