Quantum Control group

University of Southampton: School of Physics and Astronomy

PHYS 1017/1019 Physics Skills I & II


Unit Coordinator:

Dr Tim Freegarde


1 and 2



A-level Physics and Mathematics  

Credit Points:



This is a core unit for all physics programmes

Inspiring liquid nitrogen...!    


The aim of the Physics Skills units is to develop a range of skills needed by a professional physicist, including facility in conducting experiments and in analysing and reporting their results. Physics Skills 1 (PHYS1017) runs in first semester and its companion Physics Skills 2 (PHYS1019) follows in the second semester. Classes are held in the first year teaching lab and the teaching rooms in the Physics Building (Building 46).

Learning Outcomes

After studying this course, students should have developed their experimental skills by performing and analysing a number of investigations in the laboratory. They should also be capable of keeping a record of laboratory work in a logbook, and have learnt the requirements for presenting the results of experimental work in a report.


Physics Skills I (PHYS1017) begins with a brief introduction (shared with an introduction to the Maths Module) in the first week; weeks 2 and 3 are dedicated to a short course in Data Analysis. For the nine weeks of experiments that then complete the semester, the class is divided into 3 groups (X, Y, and Z), each of which is further divided into 3 sub-groups. Each sub-group cycles through the following 3 sets of experiments:

  1. Linked experiments, in which a particular subject is explored via an extended set of experiments;
  2. Stand-alone experiments, in which specific topics related to the first year syllabus are explored experimentally. Each stand-alone experiment is expected to be completed within a single 4-hour session;
  3. Mini-projects, which give students an opportunity to develop their creativity by tackling a novel problem with little prior instruction.
To prepare for the 'linked' experiments, Lab Prelim classes are sometimes held on Thursday afternoons.

Physics Skills II (PHYS1019) begins with a two week introduction to AC circuits, followed by nine weeks of experiments as in Physics Skills I. There are no Lab Prelim classes for Physics Skills II. Note that PHYS1017 is a prerequisite for PHYS1019.

Teaching and Learning Methods

Teaching is through a course of 11-12 four-hour lab sessions per semester. First semester 'linked' experiments are supplemented by one-hour preliminary lectures.

Non-contact Hours

Students are expected to carry out the preliminary exercises in preparation for each week's experiments.

Assessment Methods

Assessment is based upon set exercises, inspection of labbooks, discussion of the experiments with the students, and the mini-project report. For the time being, marks from the Maths Module also contribute to this module.

Recommended Books and Course Materials

Other Course Information

Lab notes: A1
course contents

Lab notes: A2
data analysis 1
data analysis 2

Lab notes: A3
AC circuits

Lab notes: B1
Kirchhoff & Ohm
RC & LC circuits
Logic circuits
74HC00 data
74HC02 data
74HC04 data

Report writing:

Natural philosophy

Group X
Group Y
Group Z