Macroscopic Quantum Systems and Gravity Experiments
Postal address: School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, Highfield Campus, SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom.
E-mail addresses should be appended with
Professor Hendrik Ulbricht
Head of group | Email: h.ulbricht | room: 46/5055 | Fon: +44 (0)23 8059 2073
Research Area: Matterwave interferometry, Levitated optomechanics, Levitated magneto-mechanics
Interests: Foundations of quantum mechanics, Nanoparticle cooling techniques, Experimental tests of collapse models, Gravity and Quantum, Levitated Optomechanical Sensors (LOMS), Accellerometry and Gravimetry, Space
Dr Marion Cromb
Research Fellow | Email: M.Cromb | Room: 46/2033 | Fon: +44 (0)23 8059 3842
Research Area: Magnetic Levitation, Zeldovich effect
Interests: Quantum concepts, Rotation of magnets
Tim Fuchs
Research Fellow | Email: t.m.fuchs | Room: 46/2033
Research Area: Magnetic levitation, Tests of gravity
Interests: Foundations of quantum mechanics and gravity, Leggett-Garg tests, Accelerometry
Amy Smith
PhD student (jointly with Francesco Shankar) | Email: A.N.Smith | Room: 46/4053
Research Area: Testing Dark Matter and Modified Newtonian gravity models, Accelerometers, Astrophysics of Galaxy Rotations
Interests: Two-mass gravity, Theory, Astronomy and Table-top experiment
Charlotte Bridgett
PhD student (jointly with Matthew Middleton) | Email: cb12g18 | Room: 46/4053
Research Area: Orbital Angular Momentum of cosmic x-rays, Astrophysics and General Relativity
Interests: Detection of Rotating Black Holes, OAM x-ray Detection at DLS, Experiment and Theory
Jack Homans
PhD student | Email: jh4g18 | Room: 46/3073 | Fon: +44 (0)23 8059 3842
Research Area: Levitated Optomechanics, Accelerometry
Interests: Blackbody emission of nanoparticles, Microgravity experiments and Space, LOMS
Jakub Wardak
PhD student | Email: J.Wardak | Room: 46/3073 | Fon: +44 (0)7581720338
Research Area: Levitated Optomechanics, Nanoparticle Interferometer
Interests: interferometer schemes, optical manipulation and state preparation
Elliot Simcox
PhD student | Email: es8g18 | Room: 46/3073 | Fon: +44 (0)23 8059 3842
Research Area: Magnetic Levitation, Cooling magnet's motion, vibration isolation
Interests: Two-mass experiments, Particle loading & manipulation, Accelerometry
Laura Da Palma Barbara
PhD student (jointly with Jize Yan) | Email: ldpb1g19 | Room: 46/xxx | Fon: +44 (0)23 8059 3842
Research Area: levitated NMR, optical levitation
Interests: Spin noise and manipulation of nuclear Spins
Frank Parker
PhD student (CDT QTE) | Email: Frank.Parker | Room: 46/4117 | Fon: +44 (0)23 8059 3842
Research Area: Quantum and Gravity, Foundations of physics
Interests: Talbot interferometer and macroscopic quantum states
Rounak Naskar
PhD student (Mayflower) | Email: Rounak.Naskar | Room: 46/2033 | Fon: +44 (0)23 8059 3842
Research Area: Experimental tests of Bohmian Mechanics, Foundations of quantum physics
Interests: Arrival time measurements, Quantum entanglement
Mariia Sytenok (project student, 2024-25)
Timothy Wilson (Natural Sciences project student, 2024-25)
Miles Murphy (Year in Experimental Physics project student, 2024-25)
Phoenix McArthur (MPhys project student, 2024-25)
Elizabeth Bondoc (MPhys project student, 2024-25)
Michael Hawker (Natural Sciences project student, 2024-25)
Julian Kolev (project student, 2025)
Dr Christopher Timberlake (PhD student and post-doc, 2016 - 2025)
Yile Sun (BSc project student, 2024-25)
Oliver Spicer (BSc project student, 2024-25)
Dr Tiberius Georgescu (PhD student and post-doc, 2018 - 2024)
Teodor Gerov (summer project student, 2024)
Zicheng Liao (summer project student, 2024)
Zeynep Tascioglu (summer project student, 2024)
Chuang Sun (PhD Student, until 2023)
Rafael Muffato (visiting PhD student from Rio, Brazil, funded by LeviNet, 2023)
Hailong Pi (PhD student and postdoc, until 2023, now in optics industry)
Simeon Modre (ERASMUS from Vienna on a BSc - project, 2023-24)
Sarah Waddington (MPhys - Year in Experimental Physics Research Student, 2022-23, now PhD at TU Vienna, Austria)
Laura Da Palma Barbara (Summer project student & MPhys final year project student, 2022-23, now PhD in ECS at Southampton)
Paddy Deegan (MPhys final year project student, 2022-23)
Abiyouth Sandakumar (MPhys final year project student, 2022)
Dr Andrea Vinante (Senior Research Fellow, 2017-21, now group leader in CNR & FBK Trento)
Dr Xiangming Xu (PhD student, external with Jize Yan, 2017-21)
Ian Dolby (MPhys - Year in Experimental Physics Research Student, 2019-20, now PhD in Durham on fusion)
Dr Giulio Gasbarri (Post-doc, 2019-2020, now post-doc in quantum information at Barcelona)
Dr Ashley Setter (PhD student, 2016 - 2020, now in serious programming)
Dr Maria Chiara Braidotti (Visiting Research Fellow, 2019, now lecturer at Glasgow)
Raya V Mancheva (Summer project student, 2019, now PhD at Edinburgh)
Thomas Gee (Summer project student, Q-Lab project, 2019, now in medical physics)
Rowland Rich (Summer project student, 2019, then researcher at NPL)
Dr Luca Ferialdi (Newton Fellow, 2018-19, then at University of Trieste, now at University of Palermo)
George Fairweather (BSc project student, 2018-19)
Douglas Barnes (BSc project student, 2018-19)
Charlie Howell (BSc project student, 2018-19)
Muddassar Rashid (PhD and Post-doc, 2012-2018, now post-doc at KCL with James Millen)
Marko Toroš (Post-doc, 2017-2018, then at UCL, now at Glasgow)
George Winstone (summer student 2011, MPhys student 2013/14, then PhD with us 2015-2018, now post-doc in Geraci group)
Martin Dimitrov (Summer project student, 2018, now PhD at Lancester)
Peter Thomas (Odgen Trust summer project student, 2018)
Klara Bas (Summer project student, 2018, PhD at UCL)
Toby Mitchell (Summer project student, 2018, then PhD at Cambridge)
Joe Ford (MPhys Year in Experimental Physics student, 2017-18, then into finance in the city)
David Hempston (PhD student, 2013 - 2017, now into serious programming at iSolutions)
Jamie Vovrosh (PhD student, 2013 - 2017, now post-doc with Kai Bongs at Birmingham)
Markus Rademacher (post-graduate Erasmus researcher, 2017, then Master student at Kiesel group, now PhD student at Barker group)
Jack Morphew (PhD student, 2013 - 2017)
Paul Clark (PhD student, 2012 - 2016, now working in industry)
Joseph Vovrosh (Summer project student, 2016, then undergraduate at Birmingham University, now PhD at ICL)
Ben Stray (MPhys project student, 2015/16, then PhD at Birmingham, now post-doc in Birmingham)
Lewis Piper (MPhys project student, 2015/16, then PhD at Soton in Muskens group)
Dr James Bateman (Post-doc 2012-2015, now Lecturer at Swansea University)
Kit Webber (summer student, 2015, undergraduate at Bryn Mawr College, PA, USA)
Sam Rios (MPhys student, 2014/15)
Chris Dawson (MPhys student, 2014/15, then PhD at Swansea)
Joel Collins (MPhys student, 2014/15, then PhD at Bath, then post-doc at Bath)
David Murdoch (MPhys student, 2014/15)
Sebastian Lovestam (MPhys student, 2014/15)
Kenneth Thomas (MPhys student, 2014/15)
Dr Nathan Cooper (post-doc 2012-2014, then post-doc at Nottingham)
Mark Jenei (summer student 2014, then undergraduate at UCL)
Ali Farzaneh Far (summer student 2014, then Masters in Maths at Cambridge, then PhD at Imperial)
Eva Kilian (ERASMUS from Vienna 2013/14, then PhD at UCL)
Marco Moreno (MPhys 2013/14)
Robert Young (MPhys 2013/14)
Augustin Eden (BSc 2013/14)
Chloe Green (BSc 2013/14, now in the city, financial sector)
Samuel Hillman (Summer student 2013, undergraduate at Oxford, now PhD at ICL)
David Elcock (Summer student 2013, then PhD at Soton)
Harry Morris (Summer student 2013, now in industrial R&D)
Xiaxi Cheng (Erasmus and summer student 2012/13, then PhD at ICL on inertial sensing with atom interferometry)
Ashley Greathead (MPhys 2012/13)
Richard Hudson (MPhys 2012/13)
Zahari Dimitrov (Erasmus 2012/13)
Jesus Vergara (Erasmus 2012/13)
Dr Carola Szewc (PhD student 2008-2012)
Jekaterina (Kate) Cepurite (Sepnet Summer student 2012)
Joe Spencer (MPhys - Year in experimental physics student, 2011/2012, now QT specialist with quantum-futures)
Mark Treasure (MPhys student, 2011/2012)
Sam Hendry (MPhys student, 2011/2012)
Will Hay (MPhys student, 2011/2012)
David Grass (Erasmus student, 2011/2012, then PhD at Vienna)
Mag. Wolfgang Trasischker (Visiting Scientist, 2011, then PhD in bioscience at Vienna, now at Harvard)
Claire Blejean (summer student, 2011, then PhD at Cambridge University)
Marta Becerril (summer student, 2011)
Michelle C Ross (MPhys, 2010/2011)
Liam A Boodhoo (MPhys, 2010/2011, then PhD with ECS Nanogroup Southampton)
Joseph Rushton (MPhys, 2009/2010, then PhD with Matt Himsworth at Southampton)
Lee Patterson (MPhys student, 2009/2010)
Jamie D Collier (Summer student, 2009/10, then PhD in nuclear physics)
Charlotte Davis (Summer student, 2009)
Alice McKenna (Summer student, 2009)
Paul Venn (Summer student 2009, then Research student 2010/2012, now in military R&D)